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I'm a big fan of the Open House event, the weekend in September (20-21 this year) where you can poke around major landmarks in our capital for free. There was a good sprinkling of green projects on display last year as well as a Sponge Eco-tour run by the group of sustainable professionals which will be repeated this time. The programme also highlights a couple of new elements:
- A Green Sky Studios event which will take place during the week after on 24-26. This will consist of London's "emerging architects" hosting informal events in their own studios, presenting their new thinking on green design. Sounds intriguing, although details on the Open House green section are as yet sketchy
- DEC-watch - Although the weekend is before the deadline for public buildings to have their Display Energy Certificates on view the Open House programme promises that many will. It will be fascinating to see which ones do have them, where they will actually be in the buildings and, of course, the numbers themselves. If anyone out there is at the Open House be sure to scribble down the results and send them over to me.