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Here's a new thing I'm working on - an virtual show called Sustainability Now. It will take place on 15 and 16 April and works a bit like an online conference. More information here. Interested in any thoughts on the content of the show, which will be programmed similarly to a live event, with seminars, audio, debates, surgeries etc. I'll be putting up the programme I'm working on later in the week. You can register for it for free here.
Good move Phil. I like the idea of a bloggers lounge! From experience this will generate interest globally - possibly more than just the UK - so a great opportunity to share - and learn.
Happy to assist in whatever way I can, for example 'guided' tours through Second Life - the built environment aspects, virtual architecture and usability, education potentials etc.
It would be fascinating to know what the reduced impact of virtual events actually is. Maybe your registration or feedback forms could request a 'real equivalent' ie the transport impact of traveling to a 2 day event in the capital.
It should be relatively easy to get a key speakers to deliver - they can do it from there home, office etc, and claim the green credentials in doing so.
All the best with this one
Posted by: martin | 26 February 2008 at 12:23 PM
Great feedback Martin.
We're thinking of working with a footprinting firm to work out such savings from a virtual show.
Will keep you posted on developments with the event.
Posted by: Phil Clark | 27 February 2008 at 12:22 AM