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Mel helped me out by flagging this up at the weekend. I wouldn't want to deprive you of earning a 20 quid Amazon token, so try the sustainability quiz on the Building website. Good luck.
I can't believe what I just read. Talk about lowest common denominators. This truly reduces sustainability to the state of a bum.
Before showing you the red card and finally unsubscribing from this, here's a quick lesson on how to make a sustainability quiz:
Good night, and good luck.
Posted by: Matthew | 21 January 2008 at 07:46 PM
It's a strange claim to fame, to become a possible answer in a multiple choice quiz. Esp alongside Jeremy Clarkson and two other people I have never heard of. Clue for readers: I would very much like to have come up with a clever epithet like this, but I didn't (and I doubt that Jeremy Clarkson did either).
And the other quiz linked to by the previous response is truly weird. There are some funny people out there.
Posted by: Mark Brinkley | 22 January 2008 at 07:35 AM
I stand by the multichoice Quiz as a valuable learning aid. It almost got me through my French GCSE. And Mademoiselle Donovan never offered us the chance to win a Book Token, neither!
Posted by: Michael Willoughby | 22 January 2008 at 09:10 AM
Matthew - blimey, I didn't realise a quiz could inspire such passion. It was nice to have you here while it lasted.
Mark - grab your fame while it lasts.
Posted by: Phil Clark | 22 January 2008 at 10:51 AM