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Do I feel a little national pride in my breast? After discovering that the UK is not crashing out of the EPBD implementation, indeed is leading the continent in such innovations as the Code for Sustainable Homes, now I see that both British Land and Land Securities have made it to the list of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Companies.
Winners are nominated by sector (Coca Cola and even Rio Tinto are on the list) but it is quite an achievement for the property developers. I don't know how many firms a sector there are - perhaps two? It will be interesting to find out whether they can keep up with the US developers' credentials next year once they begin to properly move (and they move fast in the States, recessions notwithstanding)
Other UK companies on the list are Marks & Spencer who just opened two stores at 55% reduction in energy fully powered by wind turbine, Royal Dutch Shell, whose CEO just announced the end of cheap oil for good, bank RBS, investment firm 3i and financial Hbos PLC. In fact there are around twice as many UK companies on the (American) list as the next-nearest competitor, which is the US. Germany and France have only around ten and even Denmark has only a couple. Perhaps this shows a particular sensitivity of UK consumers to green issues, which would also be encouraging.