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30 January 2007


Martin Lawless

The BREEAM website says 'Launched in January 2005, BREEAM Schools assesses new build and refurbishment school projects in line with DfES requirements.'

It sounds like this is an established scheme within the BREEAM family - or am I missing something?

mel starrs

BREEAM was originally just Offices. It now has expanded to cover different building types, but the core elements are still the same. Schools, Industrial units, Prisons, Retail and housing all have their own 'schemes' within the BREEAM family. Any other building can be covered by Bespoke.


I am an assessor for the Schools & Offices versions of BREEAM. There are some differences between the schools and offices versions. For example, the schools version has credits on consultation with staff and pupils (not relevant in an office), and also using the school as an educational resource. Biggest problem with BREEAM is it is owned by the BRE - it's not independent enough IMHO, because they are effectively just another consultant these days - it is well intentioned, but there are holes in it - if you do something good that the method doesn't assess you get no credit for it (unlike LEED).

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